Meet Jodi
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Not Enough Thanks to Give!
“They fed me… they gave me a bed to sleep in… and they helped me get saved.”
Growing up in a dysfunctional household, Jodi witnessed a pattern of abuse as a child that followed her into adulthood. She fell into a controlling relationship that eroded her confidence and self-esteem.
“It was like I was a prisoner… I barely ever left the house.”
Sadly, with no family to support her, she remained in that toxic environment far too long. Finally, when the man she was living with forced her to leave, she lacked the skills and resources to get by on her own.
“It was very difficult and frightening to think that I might have to sleep on the street or in a park or somewhere.”
But her fear and worry were relieved with one call. She phoned City Union Mission and learned we had a bed for her.
“This is where I came, and I’m sure glad I did.”
When Jodi was introduced to our faith-based curriculum, she was eager to join our New Life Program. “It seemed the best thing to do to get the help I needed to start healing from all the times in my life I’ve been abused,” she says.“They’re also teaching me job skills, money management, and how to build a stable life and home without needing the help of someone else.”
In addition, she was ready to strengthen her walk with the Lord. “I was saved and born again the very night I came here, and since then, I’ve had the most meaningful relationship with Jesus and the Father that I’ve ever had.”

In our care, she feels blessed to have found the sense of community she longed for. “They took me in. They told me my life would be OK and I didn’t have to worry. I feel like I’ve become a family member here.”
With each step of her journey to a new beginning, Jodi continues to be grateful… for our God-inspired staff and for those who support the Mission’s outreach.
“I will never have enough thanks to give for these wonderful people.”
Click here to download the Easter 2021 issue of Light Newsletter