Meet Natasha

Natasha is so grateful you have given her new life!

“My heart was ice cold, but now there’s love there.”

Natasha grew up in a living hell, abused for years, in every way, by her mother’s boyfriends. It left her severely traumatized. “I was so disconnected that I didn’t think I could ever love somebody else.”

When she was 15, Natasha began numbing her pain with drugs, and over the years, her addiction escalated and her heart grew colder. She was dying inside. Then she discovered she was expecting a child, and her heart came back to life. “I loved my daughter so much. I got sober and was a good mom.”

Natasha had been clean for nine years when she ran into money trouble and lost custody. She was heartbroken. “I relapsed because I didn’t have my daughter with me and my life fell apart.”

Eventually, she wound up in jail and it was there that she met Jesus. But she didn’t know how to live as His follower so, after she was released, she entered our New Life Program.

Through chapel services, Bible studies and Christian counseling, Natasha’s roots in the Lord have grown deep, and He’s healed her heart. “Jesus brought things up that I needed to forgive, and the Mission taught me how to process those emotions,” she says. “His love for me melts my heart.”

“My heart was ice cold, but now there’s love there.”

A graduate of the program, Natasha is staying here, earning an industrial sewing certificate on a donor-sponsored scholarship and working part-time. She received a car through another generous scholarship, enabling her to keep her busy school and work schedule. Meanwhile, she’s saving money for a home where her daughter can visit. “I want to be an example of what the Lord’s love can do and lead her to Him.”

Natasha is thankful for the kindness and compassion of loving neighbors like you – and how you have given her peace and hope for the future. “I was broken, but the Mission has been living water for my soul and spirit. I’ve found true healing and I’m becoming whole.”

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