City Thrift Stores

Your Donations Help Transform Lives!

Your Donations Provide Clothing and other Items for Our Poor or Homeless Clients.

city thrift, kansas city thrift stores

They also help stock the shelves with low-cost items so our community can shop for great deals. The proceeds of our City Thrift Stores go to the general fund of City Union Mission to provide clothing, food, shelter, education and other services that we offer our overnight guests and program participants.

Visit the City Thrift Store website to learn more about our thrift stores.

City Thrift Locations & Directions

Schedule a Pickup

To schedule a pickup of furniture, clothes, household items, etc.
Please call (816) 641-5656; or call 816-474-9380, ext. 5062.

To schedule the pickup of a corporate donation or a large food donation
Please call 816-474-9380, ext. 5062.