Meet Amber
Home > Meet Amber
The love YOU share
gives neighbors like Amber hope for a better life…
Since joining the New Life Program in 2019, Amber’s life has been transformed. And she credits the Mission’s structure, faith-based curriculum and practical guidance.
“My basic needs were met, and then all the resources they provided helped me grow roots and planted me in a foundation that I can build my life upon.”
In 2022 Amber moved out of the Mission’s transitional living apartments, and she has focused on building her future through continued education. She has nearly completed her Associate’s Degree, and is considering a career as a substance abuse counselor. She’s also active in a Bible-based church, where she met her husband. “Our wedding was in that church – it was amazing!”
“I never would have thought I’ve been almost five years sober, and I couldn’t be happier.”
She was blessed with a second daughter, born at the end of 2023, and her eldest daughter, now 9, is also flourishing. “I can give her things that I didn’t get as a child. She can be in soccer if she wants, or competitive dance. The Mission is providing her with the foundation she needs as well. Now she, too, will have the spirit of God.”
Today, Amber volunteers at her church, discipling other women who are struggling as she once was. And when she meets a homeless person on the street, she doesn’t give them money but something even more valuable – her testimony.
“I give them a snack and a tract and I tell them about City Union Mission and how, through God’s love, my whole life has changed completely.”
Amber is grateful for friends like you who, for 100 years, have shared their prayers, compassion and support with those in need. “It’s God’s work they are doing. Hurting people need the Spirit of God to fill them up – that’s the missing piece that can be put into place because of their giving.”
Click here to download the 100th Anniversary issue of Light Newsletter